
Arizona Cactus Ranch
Arizona Cactus Ranch started in 1991. A group of senior citizens from Green Valley wanted Natalie McGee to make this product for them that would be 100% pure and concentrated without sugar, water, lying, stealing, cheating, chemicals, or preservatives so she did, Prickly Pear Nectar. She runs her company as a social worker: of, for and by the customer.

Harwood's Wood Shop
We are Harwood’s Wood Shop, Cody and Chelsey. Cody inherited the love of woodworking from his dad, not to mention his talent and good looks. Chelsey loves doing crafts, Cody loves creating things out of wood. It just fits. Kind of like our name.
We have been married for 17 years, have 4 beautiful crazy kids and live in southern Arizona. We started out years ago making small picture frames and giving them away as Christmas gifts and now many people give us the opportunity to make special pieces for them.
We love the process of start to finish: designing, measuring, cutting, assembling, sanding, staining, painting, whatever the project requires. From cutting boards to desks, sofa tables to flags, or crates to beds, we love making quality handmade items. We know you’ll love our pieces for your home or to give to someone you love!

Jesse Pablo and Samantha Felix
Sam and I, Jesse, are members of the Tohono O'odham Nation. We practice traditional harvesting of the saguaro cactus which is native to the Sonoran Desert. Through these practices we have learned that the teachings of our tribe is something that needs to be continued to restore and maintained the traditions of the Tohono O'odham. This is the saguaro fruit jam native to the Sonoran Desert. This jam is all natural made from traditional methods that have been passed down from generations to generation. There is no added ingredients, just water and the fruit itself. We are also graduates of Ajo Center for Sustainable Agricultures Beginning Farmer Training program.

Kathleen Vance & Teresa Choyguha
Kathleen Vance is a citizen of the Tohono O'odham Nation. She keeps our traditions alive by producing pottery and processing bahidaj (saguaro). Teresa Choyguha comes from many generations of harvesters. Collecting bahidaj is one of her favorite things to do. Enjoy the bahidaj blessings! Together Kathleen and Teresa made Sitol (saguaro syrup) with the fruit they harvested.

Noland Johnson
Noland Johnson is a member of the Tohono O'odham Nation and farms his grandfather's dry land farm, Pancho Farms, in Cowlic on the T.O. Nation. This is a 40-acre farm irrigated by rain water only. Rain water gets collected from the runoff off the mountains through numerous channels. This farm focuses on traditional Tohono O'odham crops like white and brown tepary beans (bawi), 60-day corn (hu:n) and T.O. Squash (ha:l). This is one of the training sites for Ajo CSA beginning farmers apprentices. Noland also offers traditionally- harvested and prepared cholla buds (ciolim) and saguaro fruit syrup (sitol) and saguaro seeds (kai). To learn more or purchase please contact Noland.

Quetzal Co-Op
Quetzal Co-op engages holistically with Cooperatives of Indigenous Peoples and grassroots communities from sister communities in Mexico and Guatemala who are part of the Fair Trade Coffee networks of coffee producers. We work within a dynamic of establishing not just an economic relationship based on the exchange of coffee, but in realization of continental cultural solidarity as Indigenous Peoples. The intent is to build collectively an intergenerational infrastructure of mutual cultural respect and benefit that can lead to further development of strategies and projects to move our families out of marginalization and towards self-determination.

Ramona American Indian Foods
Ramona’s American Indian Foods, LLC is a Native American (Akimel O’Odham) business. I have been farming land here in Sacaton, Arizona for over forty years with my husband Terry and am pleased to bring you my traditional food products.
The “Ramona Farms” line of products includes Wheat Berries, Wheat Pinoles, Wheat Flour, Corn Pinole, Cornmeal, Corn Flour, Corn Grits, Cornmeal, Corn Polenta, Black Eyed Peas, Garbanzo Beans as well as Black, Brown and White Tepary Beans. The products are grown, harvested, processed, packaged and shipped to you from right here on our farm in Sacaton, Arizona.

Sonoran Skies Campground
Sonoran Skies Campground is a small privately owned campground in the community of Why, Az. It is owned and operated by Joyce Millar and her 13 year old back lab mix, Maggie. Part of the campground is for our chickens and garden.
Our eggs are laid by a group of healthy, friendly and very well cared for chickens. Most have names and are guarded by Toby and Jimmie, the roosters!. They are a mix of blue and brown egg layers from Australorps, Barred Rock, Bielefelder, Orpingtons, Brahmas and Cochins to Cream Legbars, Whiting True Blues and White Sapphires. The hens are free range and have almost 3acres to wander around on.
We raise baby chicks and introduce a new group each year to our flock. Continually turning over the flocks means we get high quality and quantity of fresh eggs.
We are thrilled to partner with Ajo Farmer’s Market and Cafe and continue to support each other’s small farm business.

Spontak Pottery
Heather was born in upstate New York and has since lived in various parts of the southeast and midwest. In 2012 she received her BFA from East Tennessee State University and later worked as a Resident Artist at Odyssey Clayworks in Asheville, NC. She is currently traveling throughout the United States with her mobile pottery studio and making pots in nature. I'm interested in making pottery because it is an ancient art form that connects function and beauty. Creating work that people use daily is of great importance to me because it encourages you to slow down and appreciate the subtleties of a handmade object.

The Copper Javelina
I was born in Michoacan, Mexico & raised in California. I spent my summers with family in Mexico. I have always been inspired by the bright, bold colors of my land. I began playing with clay in 1988, and then followed with stained glass, glass fusing and I fell in love with creating artwork. I moved to AZ in 1991 and again fell in love with my surroundings, especially the wildlife. My favorite are quails and javelina. I create lucky javelina magnets out of clay so people can take a little piece of Ajo with them, these little guys are scattered all around the globe and are adorable!

U.F.O. LLC specializes in homemade jams and jellies. We feature unique blends of fruits and flavors, many with a Southwest influence. Both Makers, Kathie and Dorothy, are Ajo AZ residents who love to stir up delicious concoctions that will please your taste buds. One taste of our "out of this world" jams and jellies will make you crave for more! Treat your loved ones to a delectable gift from U.F.O. LLC.

Wise Farm
Bill Wise is a member of the Tohono O'odham Nation, from Cowlic, Arizona. Bill and his son Aaron have a 52 acre farm just Southwest of Sells. They mostly grow high-quality alfalfa hay, but also produce vegetables like I'itoi onions, garlic, cabbage, sweet corn, summer squash, and pumpkins. Bill and Aaron also have grass-fed beef. Just recently they added a flock of chickens and no offer delicious eggs.